I'm trying to flash back two E4GT phones from PagePlus to Sprint (RingPlus MVNO). I get calls and text but no data. I suspect the mobile IP (M.IP) address maybe wrong. I'm hoping someone with more knowledge can help me out. I keep getting error 67. If anyone has QPST and can confirm their settings it would be much appreciated. Here are my current settings:
Settings tab- Service programming/field service/one time subsidy lock (uses 1) are all the MSL on the account. General = slot cycle 2, Current NAM=Nam1, Auto Nam = unchecked, SPC change enabled = checked.
CDMA tab- Nam Name = "SPCS", Directory = R+ phone number(10 digits no space/no dash), AOC=6, MCC=310, MNC = 10, IMSI_S = MSID (10 digits), Primary Channel A/B=283/384, Secondary Channel A/B=691/777, EVRC enabled for Home Page/Home Orig/Roam orig. Question here, I certain all is correct except for MNC. I've read 10, 12 and 120. QPST will only accept a 2 digit code for this field. Does it matter as it seems to work with both 10, 12 and even 00 (just not with 120).
CDMA-2 tab - NAM name = SPCS, Directory = R+ (10 digit number), True IMSI with MCC=310, MNC=12 and IMSI_S=MSID (10 digit)....Identical to first CDMA tab.
System tab - SID=4162, NID=65535, preferred mode = CDMA only, Band and Roam preference = Automatic
Roam tab- I loaded PRL 60690
Data tab- MDR mode = Svc Opt 33 pfrd, Pkt Dial String #777, Service option=IS-707
M.ip tab -
profile 0 (available = 0 and 1), NAI = R+ 10 digit
number@mvno271.sprintpcs.com, HA shared secret = text string "secret", AAA key=unknown what this value is and read that it's provided OTA at time of programming, Rev Tunnel Preferred=enabled, Home Address=, Primary HA address =, Secondary HA address =, MN-HA SPI=4D2, MN-AAA SPI=4D2, DMU public key ID=0, DMU Mobile Authenticator=blank
Profile 1- Everything exactly the same as profile 0 with the only exception of Primary HA address =
Thanks in advance.
from xda-developers http://ift.tt/1qlyiiG