Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Need Some Help with Sprint S4

I recently messed up my GS4 pretty bad playing around in the hidden menu and clearing my EFS because my GPS was not working. Anyways I got my IMEI back, GPS, Domestic SIM unlock etc but the CDMA portion of phone won't connect to towers anymore. Turns out I also cleared the RF calibration that phone requires in process. I need somebody who has a working Sprint S4 & knows their MSL/SPC code to help provide me the calibration data so I can get my device up and running again on CDMA networks. I will also need somebody who is willing to participate in a TeamViewer session to get the RF cal info from the device because it requires use of specialized software licensed to me.

Please if anybody has a working sprint S4 and some time I would really appreciate it. I know it may be a lot to ask but it's only way I can think to fix mine & It may also allow me to repair others in future. In return I can remotely SIM unlock your Samsung device depending on the model for free. I use a licensed app called Chimera for Unlocks and Repairs which is also the reason I need the participant to install TeamViewer on their PC. There is no risk to you, your PC or the device I just need somebody who is willing to trust me and essentially loan me their PC with device connected for bit.

Requirements Needed to Help:

1. A working sprint S4 activated or not but at least able to receive cellular signal. Preferably one that nobody has meddled with in DFS, QPST, Hidden menus, etc.

2. Device in diagnostic mode using ##3424# > Qualcomm USB Setting > DM+MODEM+ADB

3. Device SPC/MSL code

4. Hangouts or similar

Thanks guys! I hope somebody comes through! :)

from xda-developers

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