Sunday, May 1, 2016

Methods to install stock rom for G8

I will write down methods to install stock recovery, if your phone is not booting anymore. Perhaps it helps someone.

Key Combinations
VOLUME DOWN + POWER: boot into fastboot mode
VOLUME UP + POWER: boot into recovery
VOLUME UP + VOLUME DOWN + POWER: boot into force update

Unlock bootloader
If your bootloader ist locked. Have a look here to know how to unlock it.

Install using force update
Tools needed:
  • a stock rom (e.g. from here)
  • twrp recovery (e.g. from here)
  • stock recovery
  • fastboot (I'm using the version provided with the Android SDK)
  1. Boot to fastboot: VOLUME DOWN + POWER:
  2. Flash twrp recovery: fastboot flash recovery twrp.img
  3. unplug USB cable
  4. boot into twrp recovery: VOLUME UP + POWER:
  5. devices internal memory should show up on pc
  6. copy stock rom to dload/ on device
  7. boot to fastboot: VOLUME DOWN + POWER:
  8. flash stock recovery: fastboot flash recovery stock.img
  9. boot to force update: VOLUME UP + VOLUME DOWN + POWER:
  10. update should be installed.

Install using fastboot
Tools needed: Steps:
  1. Use Huawei Update Extractor to open the stock rom (.app) with profile unkown.
  2. Select BOOT.img, RECOVERY.img, SYSTEM.img and extract them using right-click Extract selected
  3. put .img files in the same folder as fastboot.
  4. boot device in fastboot mode: VOLUME DOWN + POWER: and on Pc's commandline navigate to fastboot
  5. Flash Recovery: fastboot flash recovery RECOVERY.img
  6. Flash Boot: fastboot flash boot BOOT.img
  7. Reboot BootLoader: fastboot reboot-bootloader
  8. Flash System: fastboot flash system SYSTEM.img
  9. Reboot. Finished.

from xda-developers

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