Monday, June 27, 2016

Doze issues

well, first of all, I must admit that owning OP3 is one great experience. hardware is great and software feels so complete, that I have almost no need to root and/or install custom ROM. that being said, I'm still running stock OOS 3.1.2, as I can wait for better RAM handling and changing color balance slider to right-most position worked good enough for me regarding color balance.

but, I have a little issue with Doze:
I regularly have missed notifications, and some of them should really be high-priority and go through even in Doze.

basic example would be Viber call coming in. I could understand that Viber message is not reported immediately, but call should wake up device for sure.
I have used couple of other devices with Marshmallow before (Samsung with CM13 and Moto G3 with stock ROM), and neither of them had any issues with missed Viber calls nor messages.

now I put my phone on a table once I enter the office, or I just leave it once I'm at home, and I can be sure I'll have couple of missed Viber calls when I pick it up couple of hours later. that's not meant to be like that!

I know that I can exclude Viber from "Battery optimization", but I would not like to let Viber be completely and always active - I need just high-prio notifications.
also, I did not have to make any manual exceptions on CM13 and Motorola.

so, anyone else experiencing similar missed important notifications?
how did you handle this issue?
will some of upcoming OOS updates (3.1.3 or 3.1.4) address this issue?

thx. ;)

from xda-developers

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