Wednesday, June 29, 2016

does MI4 fit for my needs & still worth buying? which version meets my requirements?

things i do:
95% of time - switching between many browser's tabs, background music, youtube & few common apps like taptalk, whatsapp etc.
5% of time - GPS & camera (as main camera) during some trip/journey.

things i care:
1. I don't use it so much, but when i do - FAST performance:
- I can't wait 2+ minutes for GPS/camera app to load/reload when i'm stuck alone in the middle of nowhere and have transportation time limitations.
- I can't tolerate slow/closing/crushing with working load of several browser tabs + music/youtube/taptalk/whatsapp in the background.

2. battery & future:
- official roms. I'm tech savvy. built Linux's kernels when i were a kid, managed to survive (until now) with iPhone4 & a lot of hacks.
- battery should last - I would do almost everything to avoid charging when i'm not at home (lectures in college, trips, car etc.)

things i don't care: games, UI features, fingerprint scan, NFC, LTE, turning off UI features & even 3G sometimes, non-english localized UI (just keyboards).

why MI4
1. very high clock speed per core (high clock speed is more important than no. of cores for my usages, i don't game)
2. a lot of official roms, including CM. I don't want to get stuck again without the option to use my phone properly, like installing basic apps. It happened with my iPhone4 & iOS7 being its last iOS version.

which version?
After a lot of reading & digging - I understand there's some ROMs headache with the LTE-CT & LTE-CU (both 2gb ram).
For flashing roms without problems i should prefer the CU? as i said, i need future via flashing roms & battery, not LTE/NFC/etc

At the same price range there's the 4C, but i don't know if it's not worse in the clock-speed&roms section ("why MI4")
A big price jump (maybe too big for 2014's model) would get me NON-LTE 3g model with 3gb ram.

I would appreciate and thank any opinion or insight.

from xda-developers

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